I wanted a library tote. I was looking at embroidery totes on My 31 or is it just 31? Either way, that company and Lands End and a few others. I just didn't want to spend that kinda of money.
Since I am trying to up-cycle my own stuff, I thought about what I had already. As a baby gift, i receive this cute yellow bag. All I wanted on it was "Library Bag", so I took out my Silhouette, the heat transfer material I got back in March and still haven't done anything with and cut my letters away.
In time, I would like to add a caterpillar reading a book. I love that cute little image. For now, we have this:
AND my recipe book. I'm ok with how it came out. I'm still learning my silhouette machine and modge podging. It's getting me in the direction of organizing my home. I'm proud of the fact that I designed the tabs myself. I didn't buy any templates for any of the projects. Yeah!
A bowl Full of Lemons Recipe Binder Challenge

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